
Stage 2

Pracovna verzia. Konkretne zadanie stage sa este upresni. Vsetky informacie su zatial informacne

Make global transformations on the model. Implement rotations, translations and scaling.


Pracovna verzia. Konkretne zadanie stage sa este upresni. Vsetky informacie su zatial informacne

Odovzdane zadanie musi obsahovat aj spustitelny subor !!!!!!!!!

1. Add controls to your application

Your application will have the following controls (buttons):

  • rotate X, rotate Y, rotate Z
  • translate X, translate Y, translate Z
  • scale +, scale - 

2. Implement rotation

Rotation controls will rotate the model by +5 degrees around the given axis. The rotation is performed in world coordinates, i.e. no extra work is necessary to move the object to world center etc. Keep in mind that we are using right-hand coordinate system. Y axis points upwards, X axis points to the right, Z axis points to the outside of the screen. 

3. Implement translation

Translation controls move the object by +0.1 in the direction of the given axis. 

4. Implement scaling

Scaling controls scale the object in all dimension by 110% (scale + ) and by 90% (scale - ). Scaling is also performed in global (world) coordinates. You don't need to move the object to world center and back. 


Cylinder, 20 * translate X:

Cylinder, 20 times translate X

Cylinder, 4 * scale+ :

Cylinder, 4 times scale plus

One, 18 * rotate Z:

One, 18x rotate Z

One, 10 * rotate X:

One, 10x Rotate X

One, 5 * translate X, 5 * scale+, 5 * rotate Z:

One, translated, scaled, rotated

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