Veduci RNDr. Robert Bohdal, PhD. & Doc. RNDr. Andrej Ferko, PhD., Oddelenie geometrie KAG FMFI UK
Kalendar+clanky SIGGRAPH..CESCG
Pondelok 27. septembra 2021 9:50-11:20, I-23 (spojene seminare z grafiky a videnia)
Ing. Viktor KOCUR, PhD.
Limitacie viacpohladovej geometrie pri kalibracii dopravnych kamier
a diskusia o temach diplomoviek
Pondelok 21. maja 2018 9:50-11:20, I-23 (spojene seminare z grafiky a videnia)
O clanku PROCEDURAL MODELING OF A BUILDING FROM A SINGLE IMAGE (Procedurálne modelovanie budovy z jedného obrázka) by Nishida et al.
Jana Sklenarova
O clanku WATER WAVE PACKETS (o simulacii vln na vodnej hladine) by Stefan Jeschke and Chris Wojtan
referuje Marian Fabian
Full References
Nishida, Gen and Bousseau, Adrien and Aliaga, Daniel G. 2018. Procedural Modeling of a Building from a Single Image. Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics) Vol. 37, No. 2.
Stefan Jeschke and Chris Wojtan. 2017. Water Wave Packets. ACM Trans. Graph. 36, 4, Article 103 (July 2017), 12 pages.
PROCEDURAL MODELING OF A BUILDING FROM A SINGLE IMAGE (Procedurálne modelovanie budovy z jedného obrázka)
Jana Sklenarova
Vytváranie virtuálneho mesta sa používa najmä pri pocítacových hrách,
filmov. Procedurálne modelovanie sa stalo populárnym, vytvorila sa
gramatika aby sa získal požadovaný výkon a znížila sa casová nárocnost. V
tejto prezentácii ukážeme interaktívny program, ktorý automaticky generuje
gramatiku z jedného obrázka budovy. Používatel vyberie fotografiu a
zvýrazní siluetu budovy ako vstup do programu. Tento program automaticky
generuje komponenty budovy od hrubej stavby až po jemnú geometriu okien a
dverí. Každá fáza programu je spojená konvolucným nervovým systémom siete
(CNN) a optimalizáciou pre výber a parametrizáciu procedurálnych gramatík.
V prvej fáze programu spolocne odhadujeme parametre kamery a tvar budovy.
V druhej fáze obnovujeme a opravujeme usporiadanie fasády. Toto
usporiadanie nám umožnuje extrahovat jednotlivé okná a dvere, ktoré sú
následne dodávané do poslednej fázy, kde sa vyberá procedurálna gramatika
pre okná a dvere.
Program sme použili na vytvorenie rôznych procedurálnych modelov budov z
existujúcich fotografie.
WATER WAVE PACKETS (O simulacii vln na vodnej hladine)
Marian Fabian
Tento clánok predstavuje metódu simulácie vln na vodnej hladine ako
posuvné pole na 2D doméne. Opiera sa o Lagrangovské castice, ktoré nesú
pakety energie vln. Každý paket nesie informácie o celej skupine sledov
vln. Tento prístup je stabilný a môže simulovat geometrické detaily s
vysokým rozlíšením. Ide v podstate o casticový systém s intuitívnymi
parametrami, ako je vlnová dlžka a amplitúda. Metóda sa dá paralelizovat
a funguje v reálnom case pre mierne nárocné scenáre.
Posledny majovy pondelok, M116 12:20-13:00 Mgr. Janka GUOTHOVÁ, Bratislava: Tvorba ilustracii pre komercne agentury zo zahranicia
Abstrakt: Vizualne stvarnenie a techniky ilustracii pre knihy a casopisy metodou Bezierovych kriviek. Medzinarodna autorka viacerych kniznych ilustracii objasni postup tvorby priamo pre klienta ako aj pre agenturnych klientov. Ukazky z jej tvorby. Zasady, ako byt uspesny.
Seminar z geometrie pseudoeuklidovskych priestorov/Po
Seminar z algebraickej geometrie/Pi
Ak si zelate dostavat pozvanky, poslite, prosim, e-mail.
Pondelok 11. decembra 2017 14:00-15:30, M-116
Bc. Jana SKLENAROVA, FMFI UK Bratislava: Priamkové plochy a ich zobrazenie
We meet with ruled surfaces in everyday life. Ruled surfaces are widespread in construction and architecture. Builders have been using them for a long time in the construction of buildings, roofs and other building, because they have suitable static properties.
This diploma thesis deals with the basic properties of ruled surfaces and their visualizations. The aim of the thesis was to study the basic properties of the ruled surfaces.
The thesis deals with summarizing the necessary definitions in differential and descriptive geometry.
A ruled surface in differential geometry is a surface formed by a motion of a straight line. Here are the basic properties and the distribution of the ruled surfaces on the developable and non-developable surfaces, which will then show the surfaces we have chosen to visualize. Each surface contains analytical entries and parametric representation. Selected surfaces are visualized in Geogebra.
The result of the thesis is a teaching material on the subject of ruled surfaces.
Bc. Marian FABIAN, FMFI UK Bratislava: Potahová plocha konštruovaná nad sférami
In this thesis, we will deal with the envelopes of a set of spheres, whose centers are
coplanar. In general, it is more difficult problem, which is dealt with by many experts in the
field of geometric modelling. We will also discuss their approaches and explain their basic
principles. After that, we will propose a method, for our case, and apply it to a few examples.
We implement an algorithm into software that can visualize and modify custom configurations.
Bc. Olena MORDAS, FMFI UK Bratislava: Interpolation of Bezier curves
Bezier curve is the main instrument of computer graphic , which is widely used for drawing smooth curves and shapes, creating CSS-animations, geometric modeling, graphic design and calligraphy. The main advantage of this instrument is that by intersection of several curves can be obtained almost any possible shape. The algebraic representation of Bezier curves is quite compact and intuitively understandable, they are easily calculated and can be used in 3- and higher dimensional spaces.
Bezier curve is given by the set of control vertices, of which only first and last lie on the curve itself, change of the coordinates of those vertices enables to adjust the curve.
One of the most common problem is to build a Bezier curve so that it will pass through given points, so that all of them would lie on the curve. This is the Interpolation problem, which is the subject of this work. In particular, the problem is to build a parallel curve to given Bezier curve.
The object of study of this work are Bezier Curves, subject of study - methods of interpolation of Bezier Curves. The aim of the work is to built such an interpolation and find the optimal algorithms not only theoretically , but also by practical implementation.
Under this research were covered such topics as Hemite curves, Cardinal-splines, B-splines and Catmul-Rom splines. This theoretical knowledge enables to implement an algorithm ob building a parallel curve to the given Bezier curve , which was the practical part of this research.
Bc. Tomáš NOCAR, FMFI UK Bratislava: Morphing Smoke, Example based Animation
Thesis revolves around the possibility to use skeletal deformation, skinning, on cloud
particles used to create a cloud of smoke. In computer graphics modeling smoke is
counterintuitive, it is necessary to use physical force such as wind, for realistic animation
that still takes a lot of time and computing power. Inspired by Article Dobashi, Y. Tani, T.,
S. Sato, T. Yamamoto, A Simple Method for Morphing Smoke 2015 Nishijin Plaza
Kyushu University, Fukuoka; we decided to propose a method of intuitive modeling of
smoke through the skeletal deformation.
Visual Computing Trends 2015
Dr. Zuzana BERGER HALADOVA: Rozsirena realita a jej aplikacie
Pondelok 27. novembra 2017 9:00-10:30, akvarium VI
Abstrakt: Rozsirena realita je momentalne casto pouzivany termin pre nalakanie pouzivatelov, zakaznikov, alebo divakov. Je vsak vsetko, co ma nalepku rozsirena realita, naozaj rozsirenou realitou? Preco boom nastal prave v poslednych rokoch? Dava nam jej pouzitie nejaku pridanu hodnotu? Realitu ktorych aplikacii vieme efektivne "rozsirit"? A ako to cele suvisi z pocitacovou grafikou a videnim? Na tieto a ine otazky sa pokusime hladat riesenie pocas mojej prednasky.
25/5 RNDr. Ivana VARHANIKOVA, PhD., FMFI UK Bratislava: Shape Descriptors
18/5 RNDr. Barbora POKORNA, FMFI UK Bratislava: Collision-free Low Degree Bézier Path with Regular Quadratic Obstacles
11/5 RNDr. Daniel VENCKO, Tatramed Bratislava: Stereotaxia
4/5 Peter MINDEK, TU Wien: Automatized Summarization of Multiplayer Games
27/4 Mgr. Ivana UHLÍKOVÁ, UK Bratislava: Shape Error Concealment Technique for Multiple Shapes in One Image dr. Martin ILCIK, TU Wien: Layer-Based Procedural Design of Facades
14/4 Mgr. Tomáš KOVACOVSKÝ, Filip SLÁDEK: Photoneo PhoXi
30/3 Ing. Andrej FOGELTON, FIIT STU: Eye Blink Detection using Standard Deviation of Motion Vectors Ing. Ján KVAK, FIIT STU: Recognizing visual words in images
23/3 RNDr. Peter FABO, PhD., VC ZU v Žiline: PSE - Univerzálny grafický programovací nástroj pre jazyk Python
9/3 dr. Róbert BOHDAL, FMFI UK Bratislava: Universal Charset Detector
23/2 Mgr. Michal FERKO, FMFI UK: Linked List Shadow Mapping Mgr. Martin VESEL, FMFI UK: Výzvy vo výskume digitálnych archívov 3D CH modelov
16/2/2015 dr. Renata DURACIOVÁ, dr. Tibor LIESKOVSKÝ, STU: Geometria v GIS a GIS v archeológii Ing. Alexandra Rášová, Stavebná fakulta STU: Viditelnost v GIS
15/12/2014 RNDr. Norbert FILIP, I.S.D.D. Plus: O vybranych problemoch z praxe
15/12 Bc. Linda SABATOVICOVÁ, FMFI UK Bratislava: Efektívna tvorba podporných materiálov pri 3D tlači
15/12 Mgr. Michal PIOVARCI, FMFI UK Bratislava: GPU implementacia algoritmu generujuceho polygonalne siete zo vstupnych kostier
15/12 RNDr. Martin BUJNAK, PhD., Capturing Reality - Bratislava: 3D skenovat vie kazdy
1/12 Anton MATEASIK, Vlado SISOLAK, Siprogs Vývoj softwarových aplikácií pre 3D tlač
24/11 Ivana UHLIKOVA: Inspirations from the Opening of the Center for Geometry and Computational Design
17/11 Open Problems in Computer Graphics, Computational Geometry, and Virtual Heritage (Part 2), a brainstorming for future research ideas, assisted by Andrej Ferko Abstract... A problem in computer science is considered unsolved when an expert considers it unsolved or when several experts in the field disagree about a solution to a problem. We present selected lists of unsolved problems in three interrelated areas. Computer graphics can be understood as radiometrically weighted computational geometry and virtual heritage is the prominent application area in computational mathematics.
List of unsolved problems in computer science
Erik D. Demaine, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, and Joseph O'Rourke The Open Problems Project
Fabrice Neyret 10 Unsolved Problems in Computer Graphics
David Koller, Bernard Frischer, and Greg Humphreys. 2009. Research Challenges for Digital Archives of 3D Cultural Heritage Models. ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 7.
10/11 doc. Zbynek Sir, KU Praha: Identifying and approximating monotonous segments of algebraic curves
10/11 RNDr. Martin Madaras: Extensions for Laplacian-based Skeleton Extraction and Direct Applications Focusing on Mapping between Skeletons and Surfaces
3/11 RNDr. Margita Vajsablova, PhD.: Matematicka kartografia RNDr. Janka Behal Dadova. Cellular Automata and Particle Systems Crowd Simulation in Selected Environemnts
27/10 Prof. Dr. Jorge Martín Gutiérrez: Augmented reality for education
13/10 Mgr. Martin VESEL: Distributed data infrastructure for EDM data handling
6/10 RNDr. Zuzana Haladová: Augmented Reality in Cultural Heritage Applications
29/9 Andrej KULHANY, Muzeum SNP: Reflectance Transformation Imaging and creating of source frames
19/5 Martin MADARAS Vybrane myslienky z EG 2014 Michal FERKO Optimálne rozlíšenie shadow mapy a efektívny výpočet tieňov
12/5 Prva ucebnica/cvicebnica CV: Počítačové videnie Elena Šikudová, Zuzana Černeková, Wanda Benešová, Zuzana Haladová, Júlia Kučerová. Kniha a PDF/CD 2013 Detekcia a klasifikácia objektov v príkladoch Haladová, Z. et al.
14/4 Peter Halicky Sr. Plavny uvod do biometrie...
10/4 Vladimír Kvasnička, FIIT STU: Darwinovská evolúcia ako optimalizačný algoritmus
31/3 Použiteľnosť a ako ju zapojiť do vývoja SW, RNDr. Martin Krupa, zakladateľ úspešnej spoločnosti ui42
24/3 R. Bohdal: Interpolacia nerovnomerne rozlozenych bodov
3/3 T. Kovacovsky: Kompletná rekonštrukcia s využitím štruktúrovaného svetla (progress report)
24/2 A. Ferko: Computer Graphics Paradigm by Velho et al. and 24 Computer Graphics Principles by Hughes et al. as the Landmarks for Semantic Field of Discussion
17/2/2014 Mgr. Petra Heribanová: Metriky v spracovaní obrazov
17/12/2013 Ing. Andrej KULHANY, Muzeum SNP: Celonárodný projekt Digitálne múzeum.
2/12 Juraj ŠTEFANOVIČ, FIIT STU: HCI a Steve Jobs Michal Šabík, VSMU: Lowcost full-body MOCAP
25/11 RNDr. Dagmar Senderáková, CSc.: Svetlo je svetlo, ale...
18/11 M. NOVOTNY, J. LACKO, M. SAMUELCIK, VisGravis: Výskum a vyvoj v spolocnosti VisGravis, s.r.o.
11/11 Ing. Petr LOBAZ, WBU: Počítačem generovaná holografie (cyklus prednasok, Tyzden vedy)
30/9 J. Kučerová, I. Varhaníková: ECVP – European Conference on Visual Perception, August 2013, Bremen, Germany
23/9 Andrej Ferko, David Behal, FMFI UK, Jan Lacko, EDICO SK, Projekt Comeniana Mgr. Michal Ferko TP.CG.2013 & Comments on a Selected Invited Talk by Andrew Willmott
20/5 Mgr. Jan Mikulas: Visual Detection of Seat Belts Usage
13/5 Ing. Jozef Dzivak & Alena Kulikova, ArtPetrus (SK) s.r.o.: Prezentacny system MediaInfo
6/5 Dr. Martin Zagar: Optimized Multimedia Architectures and Algorithms & Dr. Marin Orlic: Resource and Behavior Modeling
22/4 Prof. Heikki Kalviainen: Computer Vision at Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT): Research and Applications
15/4 RNDr. Stefan SAKALOS, PhD., CSA Systems Vytváranie počítačových modelov zlozitých priemyselných objektov
8/4 Dr. Silvester CZANNER Visual Computing Education @ Manchester Metropolitan University
25/3 Martin Kostolanský, Cytotrade s.r.o. Segmentacia obrazu a súvisiace problémy
18/3 RNDr. Matej Hudak Dynamic Internal Forces within Granular Material due to Fluid Interaction
11/3 Dr. Jana Katreniakova Boundary labeling of graph edges using colors
Dr. Julia Kucerova Semantics in salient region detection and ROI-based image compression
25/2 Mgr. Petra HERIBANOVA Key Frames Extraction for Sign Language Video Analysis and Recognition RNDr. Martin MADARAS Parallel Mesh Fairing using Local Laplacian Flows with OpenCL/OpenGL Interoperability
18/2 Prof. Dr. Ivan VIOLA, TU Wien Visual Computing in Ultrasonography
11/2/2013 R. SICAK, P. BELUSKO, EDICO SK Technicky seminar ku Comeniane
10/XII/2012 M. Ferko Real-time Shading and Light Culling M. Gemeranova Viacohniskové lemniskáty
3/XII A. Moravek Algoritmus geomorfologickej interpolácie vrstevníc nad TIN T. Kovacovsky Smerovanie 3D rekonstrukcie
26/11 Z. Kukelova Solving Minimal Problem in Computer Vision
19/11 M. Vesel Tradičná ľudová kultúra Slovenska slovom a obrazom - elektronická encyklopédia
12/11 I. Uhlikova On ECCV paper by M. Granados et al. 2012. Background Inpainting for Videos with Dynamic Objects and a Free-moving Camera P. Paulis On Web3D paper by J. Behr et al. 2011. Dynamic and Interactive Aspects of X3DOM
29/10 prof. I. Bajla Rozvoj tomografických zobrazovacích metód a metód číslicového spracovania obrazov v medicíne a biológii, aplikácia metód v analýze elektroforetických gelov DNA a proteínov
22/10 A. Ferko et al. Schola Ludus, Serious Games, and Measurement of Interestingness @ ICL2011
15/10 M. Potfaj VI-ON, Virtual Interactive On-line Company
P. Borovsky Spinnstube Introduction
8/10 R. Durikovic Desat otvorenych problemov v pocitacovej grafike
I. Varhanikova: ICL2012 a Virtualna realita bez hranic
1/10 P. Fabo IV@France
24/9/2012 Z. Haladova Vyuzitie rozpoznavania maliarskych platien pre muzejneho sprievodcu
J. Kucerova Využitie sémantickej informácie pri určovaní významných oblastí v obraze
On Summer School on Image Processing